• mag : 8 : 2017 - Secolare Sagra di Pentecoste dal 11 Maggio al 21 Maggio 2018
  • apr : 15 : 2015 - Pro Loco Follina per il sociale….
  • dic : 10 : 2013 - I prossimi appuntamenti del 2016!
  • set : 30 : 2013 - Ciao Ausonio!

2014_vecia_02 2014_vecia_01 2014_vecia_03 2014_vecia_04 2014_vecia_05 2014_vecia_06 2014_vecia_07 2014_vecia_12 2014_vecia_11 2014_vecia_10 2014_vecia_09 2014_vecia_08 2014_vecia_13 2014_vecia_14 2014_vecia_15 2014_vecia_16 2014_vecia_17 2014_vecia_22 2014_vecia_21 2014_vecia_20 2014_vecia_19 2014_vecia_18

Categories: multimedia

3 Responses so far.

  1. Putri scrive:

    Thank you so much for this website, the wltaeh of information and your advice to lock up the Smart Meter. Great idea. I’ve written Edison and the CPUC that they may not trespass on my property to install the Smart Meter, that they must provide a viable alternative (which they have not done), etc. Just think of this: Joe is being charged with some crime. The prosecution introduces in court data collected by the Smart Meter as evidence against him. Joe cites his rights under 4th and 5th Amendments to block the prosecution from using that SmartMeter data. The judge refuses Joe and allows the data into evidence, saying: But Joe, you have already given up your constitutional protections from unreasonable search and seizure and self-incrimination because YOU HAVE ALLOWED the installation of the Smart Meter on your property. They are installing their Smart Meters ON OUR PRIVATE PROPERTY. We can refuse them on that basis.

  2. [...] Per le immagini del Proceso 2014…CLICCA QUI [...]

  3. mail33.aspx scrive:

    Keep up to date with ALL the Juventus?news, gossip and transfers on our club page“There was an agreement between Parma and Barcelona, but he picked Juventus.

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Secolare Sagra di Pentecoste...

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Pro Loco Follina per...

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Immagini “Proceso aea Vecia...

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Libro: LA SCUOLA Follina...

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Un sito Social Facebook...

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Ciao Ausonio!

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Libro: LA SCUOLA Follina...

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Foto Folliniadi 2012

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